Monday, December 27, 2010

"Have you ever been so upset you just completely broke down alone by yourself?
Your parents can't tell and nor can your friends because you hide it behind a smile. You know you're not okay. Yet again, no one knows how you feel and you don't bother telling them because they have their own lives to deal with.

So you store all your problems, all your sorrow, all your tears, all your hurt and all your pain. You'll take it out some other day, but not today.. Today's not the day. Because here's to the nights you delt with more than you bargained for. All those sleepless nights crying so hard you couldn't breathe.

To the nights you couldn't wait till everybody grew up because you were sick of them judging you. To all those nights you wished things would just get better. To all those good nights that turned to bad. To all those nights you wished you were older. To those nights that unfortunately came too soon."

Friday, December 24, 2010


So .. While putting on make up for my sis,i told Neng i'm interested in photography. He actually asked me to join his community // until i told him i'm only 16. *coughs* Which means i look old sigh -o-.

Woop woop // preparing.

:] my sister looks like an angel

Guard dogs. People with big houses need em. I know right?
Neng says we'll be seeing Nicole,Celeste & Yutaki often because they are in the same community. hehe! Can't wait for my sister's next shoot... Platform is not official yet,so stay tuned to their blogs!!!

I'm a huge fan of Yutaki .just cause i saw him a few times before.. lol

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

This is a complete random post :Funniest game ever

The most stupid and hardest game i've ever played.. Try it i swear you'll facepalm yourself or laugh like one duck. ( although i don't know how one sounds like)

The only way i got to 20.1m is by knee climbing it's damn hilarious. Oh god. The distance you're supposed to cover is like 100m by the way. Which is impossible.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Have fun.
Double LOL at the image ^
Trust no man,Fear no bitch.

It works, really. Trust me.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Cass came to my house in the morning , than at 1 pm,Met Kokhwee the birthday boy at Mall.Waited for Jia hui who took his time,and bused to Bedok,Derrick's place.
Hongchye , Jerald and Jerald's girlfriend were already there. So basically me and Cass spent like 6hours sitting there waiting for the buffet,and of course i was playing with his fluffy dog the whole day. Used Derrick's com to Blackshot for like an hour. After cutting the cake,sent Cass home and slept. Had a good laugh with everyone hehe!

Internet very laggy right now so i shall upload all the MBS & Zoo's pic tmr . hehe!
waiting for results and my heart is beating really quickly.

Everyone follow me on Tumblr! Or Create one and follow me! Interesting pics there.